Saturday, January 31, 2009

Ethics in the Public Square

I don't know about you, but it seems there is no end to ethical "questions" when it comes to how many is spent and how those in power can ignore what would send the "average Joe" to prison!

The old news of Merrill Lynch's CEO spending on extravagant furniture (over 30,000 for each piece) was baffling in light of the reason; it wouldn't "match" the style of some such reasoning...

Then to hear of tax evasions of the several Congressmen and presidental staff nominees...why would they ignore such things?

I told my husband tonight that I thought that it would be better not only to have term limits to Congressional positions, but also to ask the constiuents to vote as to whether their Congressman deserves a pay increase. Have they done their job and with the public's interest in mind? This would limit a lot of abuse of power.

But, I wonder if any of the average citizens would be able to rise to the level of political power without much money to campaign. Most are financially well "heeled" and would have an interest in "serving their own interests" in regards to Wall Street, etc...

But, would most of us be aware of what that would mean as far a informing ourselves..and would we care...

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