Monday, March 9, 2009

Apologies Are In Order...

In my previous blog entry, I suggested that that the morally mundane was a "lesser" morality. While in the context of my post, I believe this to be true, it is not always true, as the "moral order" and social structure of society give security to people. Security is necessary for human flourishing, as it gives the human the ability to "predict" and "plan". An "ordered life" is recognized by some as the epitome of "morality", as it structures the life around "fruitful goals", etc.

So, allow me to apologize, if there is anyone that might "take offense" to the implication that "moral order" could be prohibitive of moral progession. I believe that all of us can progess morally, if we engage in thinking through the implications of our "order" or "system" of understanding ourselves and "way of life". We are not immune to "moral obstinancy or blindness".

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