Thursday, May 7, 2009

History, Power and Minorities

There has been much discussion in some segments of society about history and who is "right" about history. What really happened and what was the ideology that drove the transcribers of history. On one of the blogs I follow American Creation, there has been discussion on our Founding Fathers and the issue of whether they were Christians, and whether America is a Christian nation. On other sites there is discussion about Christian tradition and how we do not have all the information needed to make assertions about the development of Christianity.

Much has to do with those in power, the power structures, and the interests of those who "told the story". Our perceptions do influence how we understand and come to our conclusions. And our perceptions are influenced by our personal and cultural histories.

Christianity was a theologizing of history, so that the minority voice would be heard. In our democratic and free society, we have the right to speak and the right to be heard, as this was the Founding Fathers concern. Minority voices and minority rights have become a backhanded prejuidice against the majority, as these rights are legislated by government in "Affirmative Action" and are enforced by quotas. These stipulations, while attempting to 'correct' a wrong, does wrong, which is what happens whenever there is moralizing, universalizing, or expanding government influence "making amends" for wrongs. It becomes a monster to those it should be kind toward, because it discrimnates inadvertedly and makes demands of time to regulate "itself" in paperwork. Beauracracies are expensive and cumbersome, as well as hard to hold accountable. This is one of the primary reasons our Founding Fathers wanted a limited government.

Just the other day, I was talking to a young couple that were overwhelmed by the government's discrimination! They have made too much money to get help, as they have health issues, and a job loss. Yet, those who have never worked, had children they don't want and live parasitely off of government coffers are given "food stamps", WIC to help with their children and untold other programs of support, while these that are more than deserving don't get anything and yet, have paid taxes and supported the government's interest in being good citizens. What is the answer to these public questions, which affect all of us?

Limited government is a government that does not overspend, gives the individual room and right to pursue their own interests without too much government interference, and allows the market to drive profits. Free societies allow freedom in many dimensions, which brings opportunities, as well as limitations.

I find whenever there is a socialistic "concern", there is moral disintergration, as people need incentive to do and to be for themselves and their families. Others should also be held accountable for taking care of their families. And when the family has disintergrated, then the Church should take the lead in "adopting" those that have no support or help in obtaining opportunity.

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